Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, March 24, 2008


We just experienced our first Hungarian Easter. Many things are the same here--there are chocolate Easter bunnies in the stores, special services are held in many churches, and the Easter Sunday morning service at church was as special as the ones back home. Some things are different. Easter is called Húsvét. Our language instructor told us it is from two words meaning meat (hús) and to take (vesz) and literally means "to take meat", that is Easter is the end of the fast of meat during Lent. We didn't see or hear of any Easter egg hunts, but eggs are often decorated and hung on little trees in houses. The Húsvét holiday celebration lasts two days here. Easter Monday almost everyone is off work and shops are closed. We were invited to the home of some friends from church to celebrate our Risen Savior. Their apartment was on the fifth floor with no elevator, but it was worth the climb. We enjoyed a huge meal with three meat dishes, three salads and several other dishes followed by coffee and two rounds of desserts. It was yummy! When we struggled to follow the conversation, our hosts, who speak English, translated for us. Here are some pictures of our weekend.


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