"Can We Talk?"
The other day I realized that this is sort of how we feel here in Hungary right now. We know a few words that we try to use when we communicate, and we can understand a few words when people try to talk to us. But, for the most part, we really cannot communicate. There have been days when we felt like a crying infant saying, "I want to tell you what I need but you don't understand what I am trying to say." And there have been times when people have tried to talk to us and all we can do is smile and look "cute" (see picture above). Of course, it doesn't take them long to know that we haven't a clue what they just said.
Of course, it won't be long before Nate will be able to understand more words and his vocabulary will increase so that he can communicate better. This is the hope that we have for us as well: that we will grow from infant to toddler and eventually to an adult.
We sign up for language school this Friday. This will be a semester-long course running from Feb. 15 through May 15. Pray for us as we begin the learning process.
At January 30, 2008 at 3:24 PM ,
Arpill said...
Ah! I don't know how I missed the last several blogs you've posted, but I've enjoyed catching up a bit. Thanks for the update and reminder to pray... I do think of you both very often. Blessings! -April
At January 30, 2008 at 4:07 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Nate pointed to his picture and said, "yabada did" I think that means, "hey that's me!"
He says to tell you he's working on his Hungarian words over here too!
At January 30, 2008 at 7:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Nate is so very cute! I will definitely be praying for you both in learning the language and being able to communicate. It must be very frustrating, but each day you'll learn more words and it will become easier. Thanks for the great blog. I enjoy reading what is happening there.
At January 30, 2008 at 8:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I got just a taste of your frustration several years ago while on a short term missions trip to Guinea. If Tom Moore hadn't been there we would have been sunk! We are praying for you!
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