Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, October 12, 2020


Last week Mike spoke a few words at the funeral of Ioan, a dear brother from the Open Bible Church in Gherla who had been ill for quite some time.  Ioan loved the Lord and it was a privilege to participate in his funeral.  May the Lord comfort his sweet widow, Maria, who cared for him until the last weeks of his life.

Mike speaking and Gabi translating at the funeral
We have been to funerals here before and it is interesting to note some differences in the culture.  One is that visitations and funeral services are generally held in a chapel at the cemetery.  Last week was warm enough to meet in a gazebo-style open-air chapel.  During the service we could hear the birds singing and the wind blowing and see the beauty of God's creation all around us, a reminder that God is near even in difficult times. 

Another interesting difference from American funerals is that following a reading of scripture and prayer at the grave site, the casket is lowered into the ground and grave diggers fill the grave as the mourners watch and sing.  Mourners may even throw clods of dirt into the grave if they wish.  Tuesday was rainy, so the grave diggers had a harder job than usual shoveling the heavy mud into the grave.

Those who attend the service are each given a small, traditional loaf of sweet bread and are invited to a meal following the service.  Due to certain considerations including the Covid pandemic, this time everyone was given a delicious boxed meal to take home.

It is sad to say goodbye to our dear brother Ioan, but we are blessed to be able to comfort Maria and her family with the hope of eternal life in Christ.  We will see you again, Ioan!


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