Kemecse Level One Inste Graduation
Saturday was the graduation celebration for the Level One Inste graduates. We were invited to the service and Mike preached. Each of the five graduates gave a testimony of how God helped them through the courses, how they encouraged each other and learned from the Word of God. It took them three years to finish the four semesters, but they persisted and completed the courses! It was not easy for them--during the three years, two babies were born to the students, and one student graduated from the university. What a joy it is to see how these students have grown in the Lord! This is why we are in Hungary, to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
At May 16, 2017 at 3:07 PM ,
Unknown said...
Dicsőség Jézus Krisztusnak! Köszönünk minden segítséget Mike és Nancy!
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