Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Sowing Seeds

Beach on Balaton Lake.  Photo by xpatloop.
Summer, especially July and August, are very slow in Hungary.  Hungarians, like most other Europeans, generally receive four weeks of vacation a year, so many take long vacations during the summer months.  A favorite vacation destination is Balaton Lake, the largest lake in Europe, located in the western part of the country, where they enjoy swimming, sailing and sunbathing.

Vacation time means that it is not easy to get business done, but God has been good to us.  In the past two weeks we have met with two pastors to discuss starting INSTE in their churches.  Both of them were eager to start and promised they would work toward getting groups started in their churches.  Even more exciting is that both pastors influence the decisions in other churches, too.

We know from experience that it takes time for groups to be formed in churches new to INSTE.  It's like planting seed.  We have planted the seed and will continue to watch and water it, but we have hope for a great harvest in the future.  Please pray with us for many, many more disciples of Christ to be made in Hungary.


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