Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Cooking from Scratch

When we moved to Hungary several years ago, I (Nancy) had to learn to cook more from scratch.  Although I knew how to bake bread and a few other things from scratch, I usually resorted to a can of this and a can of that to make a lot of our favorites.  Here in Hungary, though, my favorite American convenience ingredients were either difficult to find or nonexistent.  For example, today we had chicken noodle soup for lunch.  I made the egg noodles from scratch. It sure tasted better than the canned variety!
 We have invited our home group which usually meets on Thursdays to join us for an American Thanksgiving this week. Many of the dishes will be made totally from scratch including apple pie, gravy, dressing and dinner rolls.  When we lived in the US, I used frozen or boxed products for those traditional foods, but here it is all made from scratch.

When we became missionaries, I knew I would learn to speak a new language, adjust to a new culture and adapt to new types of ministry.  I never knew I would re-learn how to cook!


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