God Is Moving in Tomor
We had an uplifting meeting with our friend Zoli this afternoon over coffee. Zoli is a Level 1 INSTE graduate who moved to Budapest shortly before we left for America last summer. Zoli told us a little bit of what has happened with him and his wife Dori the past year:
Zoli was scheduled to speak at church in Budapest last December and he invited a new friend to come hear him. After the service, his friend told him he must go to his hometown Tomor and talk about Jesus there. Zoli was able to go with him the next day and preached a salvation message to the people his friend had gathered to listen to him. Zoli gave an invitation to receive Christ as Savior, but no one responded. They next day, people still wanted to talk about Jesus and soon nine people gave their lives to Christ! These new believers asked Zoli if he could come back and teach them about Jesus. After prayer, he told them he could lead a Bible study every two weeks or so. This is a great sacrifice for Zoli since Tomor is several hours from his home and gas is expensive. But God is working in Tomor. More people are becoming interested in Jesus and more are surrendering their lives to him. The new believers are growing and are interested in studying INSTE, but they are quite poor and are not able to afford the entire price. We were so happy to be able to tell Zoli that some generous people in America are giving to a scholarship fund to help in situations just like this!
Please pray for Zoli and Dori and the new believers in Tomor that God will help them to grow in him, will give them wisdom and direction, and will bring many more people into His Kingdom in this area.
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