Can somebody tell me--Are these ravens? Sorry, this is the best picture I (Nancy) could get with my little camera. These are the biggest birds we see here. Well, in the city, that is. In the villages we've seen storks much bigger than this, but these are good sized birds. Are they crows? Ravens? Let me know if you need a bigger picture.
At January 29, 2010 at 4:24 PM ,
Unknown said...
I don't know about birds, but I can search on the internet:
At March 3, 2010 at 3:44 PM ,
Anonymous said...
These birds are Rooks (Corvus frugilegus), a type of crow. In Hungarian they are called Vetési Varjú.
Ravens are a good deal bigger and they tend not to flock and are more shy of people, so are less likely to be seen in towns.
Ravens are usually seen in flight, soaring high in the sky. They have distinctive wedge shaped tails.
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