Saturday morning we joined with the youth and others from the Open Bible Church for a picnic at a lake just outside of Debrecen. Many people took the challenge to ride their bikes to the lake. The lake is only about 4 miles from Debrecen, but part of the way was difficult because it was along busy city streets and along a narrow country road. Everyone made it safely, though, and enjoyed the trip.

We drove to the picnic site and took some of the youth who didn't have bikes with us. When we arrived, everyone set to work gathering and cutting wood, peeling and cutting potatoes and setting up our picnic spot. Hungarians enjoy cooking outside, but instead of barbecuing, they cook in a big pot over a wood fire--and is it ever delicious!

While lunch was cooking on the fire, one of the young men found a piece of bacon fat and started making a traditional Hungarian treat for himself. He stuck the fat on a long skewer and held it over the fire until is started to melt, then he dripped the fat onto a piece of bread and ate it. We're told it's delicious and one of these days, we'll be brave enough to try it.
As lunch was cooking, the guys played a game of soccer. The teams were mostly older men against teenagers, but the game ended at lunch time with a 3-3 tie. Mike played, but was very sore this morning. The Hungarian expression for sore muscles is something like having a "fever in one's muscles."

After a leisurely lunch and some clean-up, there was a short worship time with Pastor Misi giving a devotional. Then, for the rest of the afternoon, everyone talked, walked, napped or just sat around.
We all enjoyed a nice day. Even we "gotta-run!" Americans were able to simply enjoy being outdoors, spending time with each other.
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