Learning to Be Missionaries

We have been spending the last three weeks at MTI, Missionary Training Institute, outside of Colorado Springs learning how to be missionaries. Topics covered have included conflict resolution, stress management, cultural adaptation and a host of other related topics including moral purity and dealing with loss. We've participated in a lot of activities like the four-culture game (to help us experience the effect of other cultures on us and our effect on other cultures) and being taken hostage for an hour in a box in the basement (to help us see how we react and interact under stress.) Some days have been tough and some fun, but we expect to be able to use what we have learned as we adapt to life outside the US. The best part may be getting to know and interact with other new missionaries from all over the US who are going to places all around the world. Thanks for praying for all of us. From here we return to Des Moines for a short time to prepare for itineration. Hope to see all of you soon.
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